New Site!

Trying to figure out squarespace but already can tell I have a lot more at my fingertips then my previous site. Now if I can only figure out how to get my domain transferred over….

Children's Book... attempt one...

It’s very loose right now but here are the basics:

  • It is a children’s detective book aimed for 4-6 year olds? (Trying to guess how long this may take me and how old my son will be at the time)

  • Will be around 20+ pages all hand illustrated in colored pencil.

  • I’m gonna ask the wife really nicely to help me with the typography cause she’s amazing at it

  • The book itself stars a raccoon private investigator named Ringo. He dawns a raggedy second hand over coat and a fedora. It will be told like an old time Film Noir detective movie, a lot of inner monologue, thinking in funny metaphors, quick back and forth dialogue, and the like.

  • The book will feature many unique and quirky animal characters (and one over-sized house plant that runs a flower shop) who will be witnesses and suspects such as Madame Mink, Veruca Vulture, Vincent von Vine and Wesley T. Weasel.

  • Will emphasize a lot on alliteration

  • It will be set in a unique city that will be a mix of nature and modern day based on real locations in Northeast Philly with artistic liberties taken to have them fit a more woodland animal fairy tale world.

  • The title is “Ringo P.I. and The case of the (Working Title)”

    • The book will begin in Ringo’s hollowed out log slash detective office, a silhouette appears on his P.I. door. A client bursts in and explains what precious irreplaceable item has gone missing and asks for Ringo’s help.

    • Ringo takes the case and sets out into the city looking for clues and interviewing witnesses and suspects.

    • To set the mood and tone It will start out on a clear moon lit night, then eventually clouds will roll in and rain for a few scenes when Ringo begins to run out of leads and is losing hope, and then a break in the case leading to the eventual solving of the mystery will reveal the clouds have cleared welcoming the sunrise, then it’s off to bed a job well done, Raccoons are nocturnal after all.

    • For most of the meat of the book every other page will feature an illustration of Ringo walking up to a building, park, store, what have you with the night sky in the background. This page will feature some inner monologue explaining in Ringo’s own words who he’s on his way to investigate or question.

    • The other pages will be a full size drawing of one of the characters in front of a small rendering of the interior of the building. These will contain delightfully cheesy animal puns and dad joke retorts and responses from the suspect or witness as Ringo goes through his cross examination.

    • It will wrap up when we find out who done it and why (It will be a “good intention” motive” most likely) after that it will end with a final shot of Ringo’s desk with a thank you letter and a photo or gift and payment for his services (Some sort of yucky sounding food that a raccoon would love to eat, a Peanut-butter pickle and pastrami on pumpernickel sandwich for example.
